Our City, Our Story

Our City, Our Story is a film series created by a local videographer that includes a collection of unique videos designed to tell stories of individuals within the Rockford region that honor the diversity and authenticity of the community. RACVB is a proud sponsor of Our City, Our Story.

Our City, Our Story Videos

Cleta's Stay & Sew

Engineering Her Future


One Nation One People

Armando Cardenas

Passion City - Rockford, IL


When Oprah Called, Susan Answered - Cacaocuvee


Humble Beginnings - Rockford Roasting Company


More Than a Million - Capri Restaurant


Family Trees - Edwards Apple Orchard West


Tour de North End - Olympic Tavern


Our Town, Our Team - Rockford IceHogs Hockey


At 15th and Christina Street - 15th & Chris


A Place We All Call Home - Midtown Ethnic Parade & Festival


To Protect and Preserve - Coronado Theatre


An Angel to Believe In - Angel Martinez


The Unusual - Zammuto's