Mission & Results

GoRockford is a private, non-profit organization established in 1984 to promote and champion efforts to make the Rockford Region an overnight visitor destination. 

Mission Statement:

GoRockford drives quality of life and economic growth for our citizens through tourism marketing and destination development.

Priority Results:

1.1 CREATE ECONOMIC WEALTH: The Rockford Region experiences growth in tourism's leading indicators.

1.2 ENHANCE TOURISM PRODUCT: The Rockford Region offers unique and marketable experiences and venues that meet or exceed visitor expectations and enhance quality of life for citizens.

1.3 ENGAGE CONSTITUENTS ON BEHALF OF TOURISM: GoRockford tourism marketing and destination development efforts have broad support among key stakeholders.

External Role Statement:

GoRockford adds wealth to the region's economy by growing tourism.

Address Info
102 North Main Street
Rockford, Illinois 61101

Phone Anywhere: 815.963.8111
USA & Canada: 800.521.0849
E-mail: info@gorockford.com